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Concrete field adapter class for Pydantic fields.


Name Type Description
field pydantic.fields.ModelField

The Pydantic field object that is associated with this adapter instance


name: str property readonly

Name of this field on the parent data model.

type_name: str inherited property readonly

String representation of the Python type annotation for this field.

type_obj: Union[type, _GenericAlias] property readonly

Python type object for this field.


__init__(self, field: ModelField) special
Source code in erdantic/
def __init__(self, field: pydantic.fields.ModelField):
    if not isinstance(field, pydantic.fields.ModelField):
        raise ValueError(
            f"field must be of type pydantic.fields.ModelField. Got: {type(field)}"
dot_row(self) -> str inherited

Returns the DOT language "HTML-like" syntax specification of a row detailing this field that is part of a table describing the field's parent data model. It is used as part the label attribute of data model's node in the graph's DOT representation.


Type Description

str: DOT language for table row

Source code in erdantic/
def dot_row(self) -> str:
    """Returns the DOT language "HTML-like" syntax specification of a row detailing this field
    that is part of a table describing the field's parent data model. It is used as part the
    `label` attribute of data model's node in the graph's DOT representation.

        str: DOT language for table row
    return _row_template.format(, type_name=self.type_name)
is_many(self) -> bool

Check whether this field represents a one-to-one or one-to-many relationship.


Type Description

bool: True if one-to-many relationship, else False.

Source code in erdantic/
def is_many(self) -> bool:
    return self.field.shape > 1
is_nullable(self) -> bool

Check whether this field is nullable, i.e., can be None.


Type Description

bool: True if nullable, else False.

Source code in erdantic/
def is_nullable(self) -> bool:
    return self.field.allow_none


Concrete model adapter class for a Pydantic BaseModel.


Name Type Description
model Type[pydantic.BaseModel]

The Pydantic model class that is associated with this adapter instance


docstring: str inherited property readonly

Docstring for this data model.

fields: List[erdantic.base.Field] property readonly

List of fields defined on this data model.

key: str inherited property readonly

Human-readable unique identifier for this data model. Should be stable across sessions.

name: str inherited property readonly

Name of this data model.


__init__(self, model: Type[pydantic.main.BaseModel]) special
Source code in erdantic/
def __init__(self, model: Type[pydantic.BaseModel]):
    if not self.is_model_type(model):
        raise ValueError(
            "Argument model must be a subclass of pydantic.BaseModel. "
            f"Got {repr_type_with_mro(model)}"
dot_label(self) -> str inherited

Returns the DOT language "HTML-like" syntax specification of a table for this data model. It is used as the label attribute of data model's node in the graph's DOT representation.


Type Description

str: DOT language for table

Source code in erdantic/
def dot_label(self) -> str:
    """Returns the DOT language "HTML-like" syntax specification of a table for this data
    model. It is used as the `label` attribute of data model's node in the graph's DOT

        str: DOT language for table
    rows = "\n".join(field.dot_row() for field in self.fields)
    return _table_template.format(, rows=rows).replace("\n", "")
is_model_type(obj: Any) -> bool staticmethod

Check if object is the type of data model class that this model adapter works with.

Source code in erdantic/
def is_model_type(obj: Any) -> bool:
    return isinstance(obj, type) and issubclass(obj, pydantic.BaseModel)
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