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Adding New Frameworks

Adding a new data model framework is pretty straightforward. There are three key elements involved, all found in the erdantic.base module.

  1. Field: The adapter interface for fields on the data model classes from whatever framework
  2. Model: The adapter interface for those models themselves
  3. @register_model_adapter: The decorator you use to register a concrete model adapter so that erdantic knows about it

You will be making concrete subclasses of the Field and Model abstract base classes and filling in several abstract methods.

Some tips:

  • You can check out the docstrings on the base classes to understand what methods are supposed to do.
  • You can also use the source code for the erdantic.pydantic or erdantic.dataclasses modules as examples.
  • The erdantic library is thoroughly type-annotated, so you can use a static typechecker like mypy to help you ensure correctness.

Field Subclass

First, make a subclass of Field. You can use the template below, which stubs out all of the abstract methods, to get started. You should replace MyDataField—both in the class definition and in the __init__ method definition—with the actual class of field objects in the framework you're adapting. Then fill in the rest of the methods that are being passed.

class MyField(Field[MyDataField]):

    def __init__(self, field: MyDataField):
        if not isinstance(field, MyDataField):
            raise ValueError(f"field must be of type MyDataField. Got: {type(field)}")

    def name(self) -> str:

    def type_obj(self) -> type:

    def is_many(self) -> bool:

    def is_nullable(self) -> bool:

Model Subclass and Decorator

Next, make a subclass of Model. It is similarly an abstract base class. Check out the template below with the required methods stubbed. Replace MyDataClass in the class declaration and in __init__ with the actual class of the data class you're adapting.

You'll also need to decorate this class with @register_model_adapter. Note that it is actually a decorator factory; calling it with a string input returns the actual decorator. The string input should be a concise unique identifier for your framework, such as the name of its package.

class MyModel(Model[MyDataClass]):

    def __init__(self, model: Type[MyDataClass]):
        if not self.is_model_type(model):
            raise ValueError(
                "Argument model must be a subclass of MyDataClass. "
                f"Got {repr_type_with_mro(model)}"

    def is_model_type(obj: Any) -> bool:

    def fields(self) -> List[Field]:
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